#012 : Oil line Hydraulic hoses

A stainless steel motorcycle brake hose is used on the Animatronic Bust
I have reviewed every picture and product available to replicate the oil line hydraulic hoses that goes down from the base of the ear. In the end, I have found that an 8mm stainless steel motorcycle brake hose was the closest choice, so I went ahead and purchased 3 meters of it. I’m calling it them an “oil line hydraulic hoses” for convenience sake, because it is not clear what this line isthese are used for unless we ask SKYNET…
The connector that connects this oil line hydraulic hose to the skull (again, not sure what to call this) seemed to be something that was already available, so I searched around for something similar, even in some big-box hardware stores in San Francisco when I happened to visit on business a couple of years back. Since I wound up with nothing I decided to follow my belief of “if you can’t find it, make it” and make one from scratch, by studying any every documentations that was available and drawing up the design, and then carving out a prototype from aluminum. I also made a nut in a similar shape and size. The edges are rounded purposely based on pictures and documents of the movie props. If you have any information on where to obtain the original parts, please let me know.
The area where this oil line hydraulic hose connects to differs between the T1/T2 and T3. The Animatronic Bust design is based on T1/T2. The parts are designed to move based on head movement.

Size was determined based on available documents and built out of aluminum. Paired with a real nut.

The details on this prop are carefully finished, even the connector

Connected here in T1

Connected to a similar area in T2

There was no connector piece in T3, and connected here directly.
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